The Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe New Mexico’s Amy Groleau has curated an exhibit, Crafting Memory: The Art of Community in Peru.  In this exhibit she has brought traditional artists, artists that documented the Internal Conflict of Peru through traditional means, and artists who have remixed the cultural legacy with the modern reality of the city and the amalgamations that have happened in these places.  In this show memory is crafted from ancestral designs, from snap shop ceramics, and from screen printing that gives city dwellers, migrants, indigenous and in general the people a voice.

This interview features Fernando Castro and Carol Fernandez of Amapolay Manufactuas Autonomos along with Amy Groleau the curator of the Latin America Collection of the Museum of International Folk Art.  They go into the history and the mixing of culture. Click here to listen to the full piece.

Ricky Grey Grass and the Lakota Nation Boxing Club


The Lakota Boxing Club is coached by Ricky Grey Grass who works to raise money with a GoFund me to buy a boxing ring, build a gym, and support the travels that the club makes to box around the nation.  This boxing club is a positive piece for kids in an environment that can be harsh at times. Check out the Mitakuye Foundation to learn more about Ricky Grey Grass and the Lakota Nation Boxing Club.  Listen to the interview that the Beehive did with Ricky Grey Grass.


Flor y Canto is a collaboration between Beehive Radio Project and Art for Change

The installation/art action piece was produced at the AHA Progressive Arts Festival in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  the piece had three separate parts: a community codex, a community tree, and a community sound scape.  The codex asked the question: How will you be the change that you would like to see in the world?  The Community Tree displayed relief images that people created to express their individuality and beauty that they carry.  And the sound piece asked people to share their sound, song, statement, or story to create the landscape of sound that is our community.  The intention of the piece was to express our beauty within our community.

The Beehive…

Here it is the Beehive where all of our voices come out…bzzz bzz zzz bzzz….Whether we see ourselves as a queen, a drone or a female worker matters little.  We are social beings that share, we create industriously together something sweet and medicinal.  I know, I know… “but I individual,” right?  We are individuals but we are more social and industrious than we want to admit.   We are all working toward survival and we all have the power to create.  What we create can be medicine–helping others–or we can react with fear stinging another ultimately hurting ourselves.  I know this is a loose analogy.  The beehive radio works to gather voices like pollen to share creating understanding about the communities that we come from.  Yes and the eternal “We” … we are the bees, the flowers and the pollen.  We live in communities, carry the stories, and we share the stories. Its all wrapped up, rolled up, in a puff of pollen with light shinning through it or the sticky on the tiny bee hairs.  Its all of us, its everything.  The stories are for the people sharing to help us understand our own existence. Sharing to understand our surroundings like maps of different gardens and experiences that we have never visited. The beehive is to create an understanding of a shared experience and shared place…